Between September 2019 and February 2020, we worked closely with the Gift of Life Donor Program, to create three custom wall displays to honor organ donors and their families, while promoting organ donation awareness.
Memorial Wall Project Description
The Gift of Life Memorial Wall is a collaboration between Gift of Life and Jefferson Healthcare System to memorialize those who gave the ultimate gift, through organ donation. Each square is a reproduction of the hand-made tributes made by family members. The original squares are housed in traditional quilts kept by the Gift of Life Donor Program.
We partnered with Gift of Life to recreate these important memorials so they could be unified at the Healthcare location. The display is a meaningful remembrance while acting to raise the awareness of the importance of organ donations and save lives.
The Gift of Life Memorial Wall design is a custom wood cabinet with individual fabric squares to honor each donor. The design allows for future update. The hope is to expand the program to additional healthcare systems.
The Unique Needs of this Donor Wall
Given the sensitive nature of the display, we wanted to capture the personality of each individual’s square in a format that could be updated while working within the client’s fiscal structure.
How We Met the Challenge
We use measurements, engineering drawings, and mock-ups as we are working with our clients, to ensure a successful outcome.
- We worked with the client to develop a uniform sizing.
- Each square was scanned into our system with careful attention to quality and color.
- After several test prints on various materials, fabric was the best option to capture the look and texture of the quilt squares.
- The rich wood case was a great compliment to vibrant color and provided a cohesive background for the display.
What Our Client Has to Say
Denise Cirio was so pleased with the result. She said, “this display benefited Gift of Life Donor Program so much by raising awareness and connection with the community and donor families, a sense of pride for the health care team and all the hospital staff involved to be a part of providing lifesaving gifts, and a permanent memorial to those who gave so selflessly.”
Interested in a Memorial Wall for your organization?
We excel at creating donor walls and custom displays that maintain your aesthetic while staying in control of the project budget.
Call now, to find out more 800.873.3180 or click here to schedule a 15 min consult.