“We received many compliments ON OUR DONOR WALL. new donors LOVE TO specify the exact location they’d like to see their name.” ~ Westfield Area YMCA
All of our donor walls are custom-designed to project your mission, goals, accomplishments in a way that will stimulate giving for your cause. We produce and install recognition walls of any size and number of donors. You will see our recognition walls in hospitals, universities & schools, large corporations, museums, libraries, government buildings, and non-profit agencies, and religious organizations.
We blend various materials to create unique designs that have character and vibrance to enrich the appearance of your facility. State of the art technologies and materials afford our designers the opportunity develop shapes and color palettes that provide you with a distinctive presentation. Learn more about our Donor Wall Solutions.

We take the branding and core of your identity into account every step of the way, and integrate it into your one-of-a-kind design for a recognition wall that compels attention and giving across time.
No matter what, we will come up with a donor wall solution for you that marries form and function beautifully. Learn more about our donor wall solutions.